PRODUCTS お取り扱い商品
まにまにローズでは、店頭 online お電話にて ご注文を承っており、また 国内外の配送も承っております(送料別途)。
We ship orders online and on phone calls internationally.
フラワーキャンドルは、まだまだ 数は多くはありませんが、世界中に作家さまがおられます。より多くの皆さまに アートキャンドルの世界を知って頂きたいという願いばかりでなく、こちらで販売致しております商品は、その品質におきまして、比較頂けますと一目瞭然ですが、他に類を見ない仕上がりとなっており、CAFE TERAでのお食事その他同様、今後も更なる最高品質のものを 皆さまにご提供させて頂くことをお約束致します。尚、同商品につきましては、花びら ひとつひとつ すべて手作業にて製作致しておりますため、個体差がございますことに対して、深いご理解を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
【ONE PEONY BOX 一輪の芍薬(しゃくやく)】
型などは一切使用せず、200枚以上の花びらを一枚一枚丹念に作り、すべて蝋(ろう)で接着し重ねて製作することで、ふわふわと柔らかい特徴的な花びらを忠実に再現しています。 また、インテリアの一部として、部屋を彩るばかりでなく、火を灯した際には、繊細な花びらの隙間から明かりが零れるさまはとても美しく、心奪われることでしょう。
We made over 200 peony petals without moulds and glued them with wax to replicate their softness and lightness. The product is perfect as the interior decoration and the lights seeping through the petals give a breathtaking view.
PRICE ▶ box (100㎜×100㎜×100㎜)red/white : coming soon!!
【FLOWER CANDLE BOX フラワーキャンドルボックス】
There are supposedly over two hundred thousand kinds of flowers all over the world. Among them, we created this beautiful botanical world of flowers, with “the queen of flowers,” also known as roses, as centrepieces. Through the creative process, we counted the petals of each flower, observed their shapes, and even broke them apart to analyse the delicate shapes and anatomies of flowers. We also placed each flower to achieve the perfect balance that displays the unique beauties of each flower. Under the flowers are candles with recycled wax in a diamond shape, representing underlying happiness. You can only use block candles to maintain the shapes of flowers or light both candles for longer, especially in emergencies such as natural disasters.
small box (100㎜×100㎜×100㎜)red/white : coming soon!!
large box (165㎜×165㎜×100㎜)red/white : coming soon!!
【SEASON ARRANGEMENT アレンジメント・フラワーキャンドル】
シーズンごとにテーマを決め、季節の花のアレンジメントなど特別オーダーも承っております。また、カフェ・テラにて ワークショップをはじめ、各種イベントも行っておりますので、お気軽にお問合せ下さい。
【Details 花種説明】
●芍薬 Shakuyaku [Peony]
一説では、しとやかで美しいという意味の「綽約(しゃくやく)」が転じた名前とされています。また、ヨーロッパでは、美しい花をバラに例えますが、フランスでは、細長く真っすぐにのびた茎の先に、やさしい丸みのあるフォルムのつぼみ、繊細な花びらが幾重にも重なり合い大輪の花を咲かせることから、美の象徴である上品なおとなの女性の立ち姿を表し、「聖母のバラ」と言われています。 特に、真っ白な芍薬は、純白のドレスに身を包む花嫁を連想させることから、「白雪姫の花」とも呼ばれています。
We made over 200 peony petals without moulds and glued them with wax to replicate their softness and lightness. The product is perfect as the interior decoration and the lights seeping through the petals give a breathtaking view.
●バラ Rose
Pink roses represent “happiness” and “gratitude”, red ones “passion” and “I love you,” and white ones with “I am worthy of you” and “deep respect”. From ancient times, roses have been called “the queen of flowers”, and their grace and fragrance have fascinated people since the Babylonian era. There are supposedly over forty thousand kinds of roses today, thanks to the progress of genetic modification. The kinds of roses before the brand created in 1867, “la France,” are called “old roses”, and the ones made afterwards are called “modern roses”.
●ラナンキュラス Ranunculi
Ranunculi flowers exude a gorgeous aura with abundant petal layers and silk-like texture. Not only their main languages of flower are “attraction” and “radiant charm”, but Louis the IX also adored it so much that he brought it to France from Jerusalem. They are popular as a gift.
●千日紅 Globe Amaranth
With flower languages of “eternal love” and “timeless love,” Globe amaranths bloom vibrant red, purple, and pink flowers. The Japanese name “千日紅[Sennichikou]” means “a thousand days of scarlet” because it blooms longer than crepe myrtles, which are said to bloom for a hundred days in Japanese climate. With their cute blossoms, they are popular as dry flowers.
● ヒペリカム Hypericum
Hypericum is well-known for its gold-like stamen and red fruits that appear right after the blooming season. With its yellow petals reminiscent of rays and its long viewing season, the languages of flowers are “sparkle” and “the sadness is no longer.” They are popular as an accent piece for flower arrangements and are durable in cold weather.